I thought I had explained this tradition last year but I can’t seem to find it in the archives. So, once again OR maybe for the first time, Thanksgiving (OBSERVED) was coined by my cousin Brian and born from my family being way too big to spend it with everyone at once. This day is all about the Anello’s and the Crocitto’s getting together much like we did years ago when all us “kids” we just a few years old. Our parents used to live in the same apartment building before we showed up and I think that was really the start of the two families being close. We have grown in numbers over the years. This year we maxed out for the first time with all four “kids” having their significant others at the table.
I am sure it comes as no surprise that the eating at this event is off the charts. As we placed each dish on the 12 foot wooden table we quickly ran out of trivets and shortly after ran out of table surface. With a full table the only option was to start eating so we could make room for what could not yet fit. The above picture (See it bigger) captures the antics that ensue when this loving crew get together. For further explanation see the very bottom of this post. But first, the food.
Shrimp cocktail
Italian sausage stuffing (original)
Italian sausage stuffing (modified)
mac and cheese (kraft, yup, that’s right)
corn bread (original with canned corn)
corn bread (modified with creamed corn and chives)
oreo penguin heads
Who’s who?
A. Kelly attempting to feed Matt some of her delicious, homemade cauliflower
B. Matt ignoring Kelly because he is consumed by Peppe’s TV lesson
C. Linda cleaning and drying a dish, pot, spatula or cup as always.
D. Peppe (our Dad) on his 2nd hour explanation of how HD plasma TV’s work vs HD LCD TV’s
E. Ant wanting a kiss from Kelsey but can not get the smell of the stuffed mushrooms off his brain.
F. Kelsey in love and overwhelmed by the amount of food, loud conversation and amount of people at a Thanksgiving dinner that is really NOT Thanksgiving.
G. The Turkey waiting to be devoured.
H. Camille (our Mom) starving from cooking all day and armed with the electric knife.
I. Paul (also known as Franc for his wife’s love of Paris) absent from the picture because of Yankee spring training in Florida. GO YANKS!!
J. Jason reliving the moment he bit Ant when he was a baby because he wanted to see how chewy his arm was.
K. Picture of Grandma Nardone who taught us a ton about cooking, eating and enjoying each others company.
L. Brian utterly repulsed by the mushroom being forced into his face.
M. Christine taunting Brian with his personal Kryptonite.
N. Preethi wild with the idea that the leftover pepperoni bread could be all hers.