You land in Iceland off a red eye. The sun is barely awake. It’s January and all you can see out the plane window is baron white tundra. The ambian and shot of merlot is still running through your system but you muster the energy to grab your carry on bag and make it off the airplane. Ninety minutes later you sit in front of a plate of waffles the size of your head. This IS how most visits to iceland starts. Sans waffles. Let’s change that. On your next Iceland air stopover ticket head straight to Mokka Kaffi for waffles and super strong coffee. Everything in Reykjavik is heated by steam which makes your coffee temperature not only perfectly hot but alternatively brewed. Sip and dig in. This hearty start to a 20-hours of sun light day will be much needed to get you through any power plant tours, random three legged dog visits, icelandic horse riding, geyser exploration, runtur and side of the road crashes. Believe.
Go there:
Skólavörðustíg 3A
101 Reykjavík
Sími 552 1174