December Eating
I need to get a couple things off my chest. I realized that neither Ant or I have posted something we cooked in over a month. Totally unacceptable in my book, especially considering that part of the reason this blog exists is because we grew up cooking, love to cook and love home cooked food. Now, we all know Anthony will not be posting any home cooked meals until he gets home from the boat or they retro fit his cabin with a stove. (not likely). So, that leaves the burden on me. This brings me to the second chest crushing realization. I have been eating a little unhealthy with all these restaurant meals. A big reason for this has been the travels in October and November. I am grounded until Dec 23. So I took some action. The day after Thanksgiving I went cold turkey. No, not literally. I flipped the switch and promised myself that I will cook as much as I can until that day. When I can not cook, I will find a healthy alternative to put in my stomach.
We all know December is not the month to go lean, so I will definitely drop off the health wagon a few times and for good reason. But aside from those pre-planned binges, I am staying strict. We started out today with a spinach, feta, tomato egg white scramble.
I followed it with the above chicken sandwich on whole wheat toast break with a bit of romaine lettuce and some spicy brown mustard. Then I capped off the day with a grilled pork loin smothered in Rendevous BBQ dry rub spice.
Here we go. Wish me luck.