Forked with Mike Fox
Let’s get it out of the way right now. No. Mike was never on an 80’s sitcom with Tina Yothers nor was he in one of the best movie trilogies of all time nor was he in another hit sitcom in the 90’s. But, he did work with me way back in the beginning of the last decade when the two of us were burning the midnight oil learning our marketing chops at Digitas.
Mike and I pulled off some great campaigns back in those days and have kept a tight friendship over the last 8 years. Above all things that make Mike a good friend is his loyalty. Back in that day Mike always gave me the straight dope on deadlines, budgets and client comments. Sometimes that made things tough but he always stood by “the team” to get done whatever needed to get done. He stood by us even if it meant telling the client “no” or sticking his neck on the line for what we believed. A true team player. Through the years I saw this characteristic in effect in some of our personal ventures (lots of business talk) and again when we overlapped while working at Ogilvy. When you think about your friends there are a lot of traits that come to mind. Of all of them, loyalty is definitely in my top 5.
A few years back we started a tradition of having a big holiday steak lunch every December. This past December was no exception. Once again that loyalty trait was excercised. We always promised each other that the meal would be an over indulgence in quantity, price and length. When we started looking at the $100 plus Brunello’s on the wine list. He kept loyal to the rules and pulled the trigger on a delicious Montalcino red. Thanks Mike!
What we ate:
Rare steak with all the sides you would imagine. Check it out.