This year for Thanksbringing we decided to try our best not to bite off more than we can chew. Our strategy was simple, focus on meat that cooks itself. The above lamb was one of our 4 meat dishes. Originally this lamb shoulder was spun on the rotisserie but a bad drip pan and small fire changed it’s fate. Finished in the oven with a lovely onion and wine sauce by my neighbor, the ever present Horst.
We also brought the deep fried turkey back this year. The new twist was that it was organic. Freshly slaughtered and clove, brown sugar, star anise, brined the day before, the other 19 pounds of this 19.5 pound bird was done 62 minutes after dropping it in the oil.
Missus Tasty’s chorizo meatloaf was the final entree in our meat hat trick. Overkill for sure with the other protein bombs already mentioned but meatloaf reheats well. Plus, this stuff between two pieces of bread is better than a hug from Javier Bardem and Selma Hajek while in your bathrobe.
Our final addition to the plan was to add a small catalyst to the appetizer course. We like to call it Super Six Foot Charcuterie. No less than 72 inches of cured meat, cheese and stuff from jars. Another brainstorm of Missus Tasty, she’d been planning this for weeks.
The turn out was spectacular. Friends and family poured in, as expected, with hot sides and fresh appetizers in tow. Desserts lined the back wall on the extra table we added as part of the “simplification” plan. The tradition is on it’s fifth year now and every year I always take a moment in the chaos to recognize how awesome my friends are. Thanks to you all for coming, for being and for procreating a brood of little youz. By year ten we’re going to be feeding hungry pre-teens plus ourselves. That’s going to take a whole different plan of attack.
As you all wind down from work and begin to head out for your holiday feasts remember to take a moment and focus on that thing you’re really thankful for. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. Enjoy this amazing tryptophan induced, sugar high, holiday.