This week kicks us dropping a whole lot of Argentine meat on you for the next few Fridays. As we continue to post some of our favorite meals that never saw their proper blog post glory (The Reheated Project), our BA trip has a myriad of gems that will make your stomach ache for large slabs of perfectly grilled, extra succulent, grass fed goodness. Seriously, we almost gave it all up and became Goucho’s.
This first behemoth of steer comes from a must hit restaurant on all Buenos Aeries itineraries. Whether you are a traveler, a tourist or a local, EVERYBODY eats here. A boneless ribeye barely makes it onto the oversized monogrammed plate. P.S.-It’s a good sign of authenticity when the plates are adorned with the restaurant name. This equates to old school, business as usual, family run, money machine…usually. Above all else, killer food, and that is the case at Rio Alba. The meat is over an inch thick cooked. That means this bad boy started out at as a just under two inch raw cut. Glorious! The fat to meat balance is a perfect 75/25 with the marblization in just the right places to keep the chop moist and flavorful all the way through. When you visit, don’t get distracted by the plethora of sides and apps. Focus. You are here for meat. Make that your first priority. Priority two is pairing it with a beautiful bottle of Malbec.
Go there:
Rio Alba
Calle Cervino 4499, Buenos Aires, Argentina
+54 11 4773-9508