Yesterday I closed a pretty huge chapter in my life and opened up an even bigger one. It’s the kind of day I live for. Leave something totally awesome and jump into the complete unknown because you have a feeling, in your soul, that it’s more awesome where you’ll land. You know I am a “life is about the journey not the destination” guy. Hence this blog. So, the move to start my own agency is not that ridiculous.
My last day at Yahoo! after 4 years would not be complete without a last meal. For years I struggled with the horrible customer service, apathy and mediocre food located in the bottom of my office at Cafe Beyond. I have many tales of horrors that happened when I ran down for a quick coffee or a snack. For a while, I put a personal ban on the spot but it’s convenience forced me to lift that ban. Rain and wind in NYC has a profound effect on me. I felt it only appropriate that I venture to this land of disengaged staff and pre-made sandwiches one last time. An homage to the days of old. A cleansing for the adventure about to begin. I stuck with my standard, romaine lettuce with eggplant, zucchini, chick peas and cucumbers. A little Asian sesame dressing and a slice of multi grain bread. It was delicious in it’s mediocre goodness. Every bite pushed me closer to my exit from the life I currently was living.
Soon enough it was time for my exit interview. I laid out my Yahoo! property on the table like a bad lieutenant being suspended for not obtaining a warrant before chasing a perp through his apartment and onto the rooftops which, ultimately, lead to a midday, public shoot out culminating in a tanker truck explosion and the escape of the suspect. Sorry for the run on but you can see why. My interview ended as I finished my last bite of salad. My equipment was given to IT. I threw out my salad trash and walked out of the office for the last time as a Yahoo! employee. Manifold was born, my stomach was full but I was far from satiated. Here we go.