The ship organized a tour for the crew to go and see an ancient temple in Borobudur, Indonesia. It was truly amazing. It is super old and has all kinds of carvings all around this temple. It was a rainy day but it held up until we were done with the temple. Then it started to rain hard. We needed to grab some cover and the best way to grab some cover is to go eat some lunch.
The tour included a buffet lunch with a lot of Indonesian food. I pigged out and got a little bit of everything, leaving nothing behind. Shrimp, Rice, noodles, beef, chicken, chips, fruits, soup, and vegitables. I hit every food group in this meal. It was all really good. No need to go back for seconds, firsts was enough for me. It was getting late and we need to take the 2 hour ride back to the ship.
Apparently all the tours from the ship were there and somehow we ended up with a police escort back to the ship. We were flying through villages to get back on time. The locals all were standing outside watching this police escort zip on by. They must have been thinking, “who the hell are they.” However, even with a police escort it was not fast enough. We ended up about an hour and a half late to the ship. I missed my first two workshops on the ship. I think most of the people from the ship were with us trying to get back to the ship anyway. Good times!