Eat |
99 Thankful For’s
Hey, I am thankful for:
99. You readin’ this
98. Honest comments
97. Citibike
96. The Ronco 4000 in my kitchen
95. My brothers understanding
94. The Thong Song
93. Bacon (thick cut)
92. Bacon playing cards
91. Homemade cherry pies made in industrial kitchens (pictures above)
90. A mom who understand my crazy non-stop
89. Curiosity
88. Knowing what a ground fault interruptor is
87. Having a friend I knew since I was 2
86. Button down shirts vs. Button front
85. Fermentation
84. Whole animal butchers
83. Bein’ Italian (the show)
82. My dad teaching me organization (tough love)
81. Preparedness
80. Levain Cookies
79. Air cured tubular pork
78. Brooklyn the brand
77. Not running for subways
76. A lil company called Manifold
75. My masters in business (school of life)
74. Things not going according to plan
73. Revised plans
72. Air travel
71. The chemistry behind brining
70. Old neighborhoods with new life but old neighbors
69. The MTA
68. The muscle car comeback
67. “Scenerio”
66. Synonyms, metaphors and adjectives
65. A pizza party like none other
64. The sound of intermittent windshield wipers at a red light
63. The local route
62. Eating with people
61. A clean check up
60. The Joe Schram Special
59. Esquire Channel
58. iPads for ordering food at airports
57. Human’s desire to find the new
56. Anything that is formerly know as
55. Feeling at home in the chaos of India
54. Walking in Verona with my wife
53. Choice
52. Simplifying complex ideas
51. Troy McClure
50. The art of life
49. My mother-in-laws curry
48. The NYC BBQ renaissance
47. Things that make ya go hmmm
46. Growing up in the 80’s
45. King of Queens
44. The existence and versatility of lemons
43. Mission burritos
42. NYC slices
41. Not putting me on Food Network (yet)
40. That feeling you have when sipping a macchiato after an amazing meal
39. Amazonian snails
38. Friends of friends who want to take me around their city
37. Taking friends of friends around my city
36. Family who believe blood is thicker than water
35. Friends who know they are family
34. Legos
33. The A-Team theme song
32. The perfectness of a banana
31. Spatchcocking
30. Getting to know Cincinnati
29. Smoked grapes
28. Cavatelli with marscarpone
27. Boozie brunches
26. The sharing economy
25. My compass’ true north equalling fun
24. Being blessed with means but not forgetting the ends
23. Solid work ethics
22. Knowing thy self
21. A kid named Rojeh
20. Funky bass in any decade
19. Following my gut
18. Bodega sunflowers
17. Very comical uncles
16. Art class
15. Environmental studies in 9th grade
14. Bottom of the Grand Canyon perspective
13. Understanding that perception is relative
12. Color in nature
11. Color on a retina display
10. Great storytelling
9. Silence
8. West Indian goat curry
7. Modern farmers
6. Rise of the western hawker market
5. Film cameras
4. My wife’s terrariums
3. Marrying into an amazing family and culture
2. Acorn fed pigs
1. @missustasty