Maybe the thickest flank steak I’ve ever had. Nice shot of my over stuffed belly too. Plan your first dinner in BA to be at Desnivel. In the heart of San Telmo, it’s a nice introduction to a parilla without breaking the bank or getting to posh. All the cuts of meat are here but we think their flank is a stand out. You’ll have plenty of time to grab a Lomo at some of the other parillas you’ll be visiting. After all you came to Argentina to eat meat right? Wait…what?…you didn’t just come to beef out? Drop a comment, I’ll straighten you out. San Telmo also offers a ‘hood that feels a little gritty which matches the food. All in, this is the best primer you could get for your future Buenos Aeries MEAT adventure.
Go there:
Defensa 855 San Telmo, Buenos Aires
Phone:+54 11 4300-9081