The Good Italian Jew
As tradition states, brunch at the Rubine house has a few must have elements. One, fresh bagels. Two, fresh smoked fish. Three, fresh conversation. Being raised Italian it was up to Seth and the Rubine family to school me in the way of the Hebrews. My surrogate family has welcomed me in with such open arms that over the years my goy moniker has faded to a distant memory.
I have become so confident in my brunch skills that I have even prepared a Rubine brunch on my own for personal consumption. These skills that I learned in the Rubine household paid off in spades over the years. I was able to quickly impress my ex-wife’s family with my salmon knowledge. I impressed my boss at the Friday bagel table with my sultry, combination of cream cheese, black pepper and tomatoes. And, I have made a number of Kosher butchers question the vowel at the end of my last name with my flagel references.
So, this post is not so much about the deliciously, prepared bagel you saw at the top of this post BUT about a BIG thank you to my second family, The Rubines. A long over due Saturday brunch hit the spot. You guys are the best. Next up, they are working on making me a Met fan.