Forked with Jennifer Aman
I goofed up on this one. First, I forgot a camera during the meal. Second, Jenny and I never eat out of the office. Jen and I have been work married since 2006. That means she knows things about me that only wives and long term girlfriends know. I am not sure if this is a good thing or a bad thing but I am sure that it’s a THING.
We decided that stretching our legs and escaping the email stream for 30 minutes was in order. To do this we headed to Uncle Moe’s, our local burrito spot. It was a fantastic break but of course our conversation turned to the million work tasks that this week has dished up.
Jen has been a mainstay of the Buzz Team for as long as I have known and is the rock upon which giant programs are built. She was with me in Germany for FIFA and will be with me in India for the October Project. Sort of a work wife anniversary. More importantly then Jen’s work contributions you should know that she is a nickname giver, mine is on, and a song whisperer. On is reverse short for Jason, BTW. The song whispering is uncanny. With a few simple notes she has made everything from “oops I did it again” to “ring around the rosie” stick in my head. It really makes me wonder if this influence is normal. She has a gift, what else can I say. Jenny, thanks for sharing that 30 minute break with me and I can’t wait to see what jingle you get in my head come Thursday.
What we ate
Watsonville buritto and water