Hurricane Sandy Snacks
The NYC Subway has closed for the second time in it’s 109 year history. The crippling effects of this are lost to the rest of the world, to some degree, unless you are a NYer. Not to be snarky, exclusive or belittle those Floridians and other places that have felt devastating effects of weather with my words BUT, just that the 9 million plus of us use the subway for just about everything from getting to work to getting groceries. When it stops, so does New York City. Confined to our neighborhoods, the wine shop and video store get mobbed in preparation for the storm. The bread and milk disappear from the supermarket shelves and the streets thin out with people.
Since the majority of us in the tri-state are sitting at home working, pretending to work or playing, I though a little meal chronicle would be fun. Please feel free to send or comment with your own hurricane snacks.
Snack 1
Breakfast, Monday Oct 29 (pictured above)
Fried egg over medium, black forrest ham and english cheddar on a 9-grain roll.
Snack 2
Lunch, Monday Oct 29
Double chicken parm on a portuguese roll, tomato and mesculin salad and an ice cold Perrier
Snack 3
4pm, Monday Oct 29
Two apples. One Honey crisp. One mouse.
Snack 4
Evening, Monday Oct 29
Proscuitto, cornichons, mixed olives, Veuve Cliquot, Hook And Ladder Meritage
Snack 5
Evening too, Monday Oct 29
Creminelli caliente salumi
Snack 6
Dinner, Monday Oct 29
Swordfish with sundried tomatoes and kalamata olives. Green beans with thyme and olive oil.
Snack 7
Post dinner, Monday Oct 29
Scallops in butter
Snack 8
Pre-Breakfast, Tuesday Oct 30
Upright Coffee. Boldest brew in Greenpoint.
Storm Break
Pre-Breakfast, Tuesday Oct 30
Storm surge waters on the east river. Note you can’t see under the piers. Looking west towards the 14th st con ed plant the exploded leaving much of lower manhattan powerless.
Snack 9
Breakfast, Tuesday Oct 30
Repeat of yesterday. Black forest ham, english cheddar egg sandwich
Storm Aftermath Station
Pre-Breakfast, Tuesday Oct 30
Time Warner iPad app working as my second screen. NY1 keeping me up to date on Subway status, flooding and infrastructure fixes.
Snack 10
Lunch, Tuesday Oct 30
Curry chicken salad sandwich. @missustasty know her stuff.
Snack 11
Dinner, Tuesday Oct 30
A whole bunch of awesome. Hanger steak with home made chimichurri. Hen of the wood and baby bello mushrooms with truffle oil. Salad with tomatoes and grana padano. Remainder of the wine from last night. Fresh bottle of prosecco.
Snack 12
Dessert, Tuesday Oct 30
Duncan Hines fudge brownies. These are total crap.
Snack 13
Dessert redux, Tuesday Oct 30
Ben and Jerry’s carmel fudge swirl. After those brownies i needed a redeemer.
‘Hood Report
Dessert redux, Tuesday Oct 30
An unrelated Sandy ruckus. The C-Town delivery truck took down the scaffolding outside the supermarket. Closed the street so buses were stuck. Just not looking good for getting around.
Snack 14
Breakfast, Wednesday Oct 31
Toast, jam, coffee. Still no trains.
Snack 15
Lunch, Wednesday Oct 31
Hot chicken cutlet. 4C seasoned crumbs all the way.
Snack 16
Sweet, Wednesday Oct 31
Pan di Stelle Cookie with nutella fresh outta the freezer
Snack 17
Dinner, Wednesday Oct 31
Spaghetti Pomodoro. First time out of the house for food since Monday. Feels good but also feels bad considering those who are in trouble still. I’m eating in a restaurant and otehrs are still bailing out basements.
Snack 18
Dinner, Wednesday Oct 31
Continued, despite my ethical conumdrum, with chicken topped with proscuitto and sage
City Check
Wednesday Oct 31
Blacked out lower Manhattan and Illuminated Midtown Manhattan. Very weird (click image for full size version)
Snack 19
Dessert, Wednesday Oct 31
Pit stopped at Milk for dessert
Subway Update 1
Wednesday Oct 31
The biggest one of these in NYC Subway history
Subway Update 2
Wednesday Oct 31
I don’t think a map like this has ever been created before. The train lines that are muted back are not running. aka-underwater
City Update
Thursday, Nov 1
Midtown tunnel during Hurricane Sandy aftermath. Still closed.