Dad Day Afternoon
Dad’s will be dad’s. To know mine is to have a teacher and a comedian at the ready at all times. Most times we are laughing at him but he seems to revel in that. Come Father’s day he is never short on requests for what he wants. So, to appease and repay him for all the lessons and laughs I made the following two ceviches for the pepster.
Striped Bass Ceviche
1 whole bass
1/4 cup lime juice2 jalapenos, seeded and sliced thin1 red bell pepper diced
perar tomatoes sliced thinbasil finely chopped
olive oil
salt and pepper
1/3 cup guanbana nectar
kalamata olives
1 cup lime juice to marinate fish
1. soak fish in lime juice for 30-40 minutes
2. drain
3. mix all ingredients together and let sit for 3 hours
Shrimp/Scallop Ceviche
1/2 lbs bay scallops
1/2 lbs medium shrimp
1/4 cup cachacca
1/2 cup lime juice
1/3 cup chopped cilantro
olive oil oil
salt and pepper1/4 cup coconut water
3 cucumbers seeded and diced
3 oranges diced
1 shallot minced
1 cup lime juice for marinating
1. soak fish in lime juice for 30-40 minutes
2. drain fish
3. mix with oyther ingredients and let sit for 3 hours before serving