Ohh yeah that India trip. You may have been wondering what happened to all the morsels and stories we devoured when on our 2 week, hi-speed, meander through India last December. Well, they are coming. Their are just so many great meals and stories we’ve hardly had a second to put it all down on paper. It’s hard to type with a smoked rib or chicken leg in your hand.
As a taste of what’s to come, here’s one story and a little map of our journey. This Thali was a lunch we had during our tuk-tuk ride through Udaipur (Day 1 of Rajasthan). Recommended to us by Rafik our rickshaw driver and guide, this small cafeteria on the grounds of the Garden Hotel was a surprise throwback to the 70’s. As part of the Vintage Car Museum I suppose it made a lot of sense. The mint green walls were our only lunch companions. The waiter generously scooped curries onto our traditional stainless steel plates, leaving and returning a dozen times before the selections were fully served. The fresh bread was replenished every 3 minutes as an extremely attentive eye knew when we were ready for a hot new piece. At one point we became children and the waiter our dad. He pressed us to eat more. To enjoy the food. To enjoy the room. Full, we finally convinced him we had our fill. Thankfully by the 3rd conversation he conceded and stopped bring out food. After a quick, quintessential, hand wash, we were back in the tuk-tuk with Rafik speeding deeper into the old town of Udaipur to encounter the next part of the adventure.
Peek at the map below to see our whole route. We promise more India stories will be hitting soon.