Ahhhh Bali, what a beautiful place to be with friends. It was our first beach port in a while. A bunch of us decided to head to the Ramacandidasa Resort and Spa about 15 minutes away. It was perfect, it had a pool, the beach, a restaurant and it was a perfect sunny day. We got some color and a few drinks by the pool to start the day. I took it upon myself to go check out the menu. After a few hours we ordered a fantastic Indonesian lunch and shared it family style. As we sat by the pool we ate and ate and ate. Not to shabby.
Chicken Curry
Lamb, Beef and Chicken Skewers with Peanut Sauce
Vegetable Pizza
Sweet and Sour Chicken
After lunch, a few of us went to the beach. The water was perfect. You could see all the way to the bottom. Then back to the pool for a little more tanning before heading back to the ship. Then someone mentioned a message on the beach. I jumped up and got a 15 minutes extremities message before we left the resort. There was no more room on the beach so I was brought to a room in the resort with soothing music and all kinds of oils. When I was done my hair was all over the place from all the oil and I could hardly walk form the relaxation. I did make my why back to the ship. I really didn’t want to leave. We were all saying how we would love to sit by the pool and watch our ship sail away. Bali was great. To bad we were there for only one day.