Most of you know I love Valentine’s day. Go ahead, cringe. I get scorns all time time from friends and strangers alike when this inconveniently falls out of my mouth. Rather than try and convince you why YOU should love this day as much as I do or run my mouth about how choosing a Valentine is about the essence of love NOT couplehood, I will leave it at this simple thought. A day dedicated to expressing love for others is not a bad idea.
This year I had a very special valentine. Although I am choosing to keep the day’s adventures private, I will share one snippet of the day. Dessert! The above burger is made completely out of sugar. No, Buddy Valastro or Duff Goldman did not make this for me. A very talented and retired sugar crafting genius, who will name nameless, did me a special favor. This burger was placed on top of one of Buddy’s delicious cakes for consumption purposes. And it was delicious.
This post ends here but hopefully leaves you with a lesson. Valentines day can be whatever you want it to be. You CAN have your cake and eat it too. Just drop the angst from that bad Hallmark commercial and make the day yours.