Forked with Raul Cachay
Raul and I had known each other for about 5 minutes before it was clear we both shared an overwhelming love for food adventures. When he is not eating or taking random visitors around Lima to his favorite haunts, (as he did me and Tony) he’s busy being the editor of the popular magazine Cosas. An adventure in and of itself. As I got to know him better over lunch, and during his recent visit to New York, I came to realize his love of rock music, burgers and drinking up every last drop of ceviche juice. Three things I can absolutely stand behind. His desire to explore the world, meet new people and visit unique places seems insatiable. Probably good traits for a magazine editor huh? After touring Surquillo market Raul insisted we go to his favorite ceviche spot. Here’s what he had to say about beer, butter and Buenos Aires.
What do you think when i say dinnertime?
Don’t ask me why, but I think of the word “butter”.
What is your favorite meal memory?
To watch my grandmother prepare and mix some old school traditional dishes from Arequipa, her hometown, that I’ve never been able to find anywhere else since she passed away (at least not remotely as delicious). A personal favorite: Ocopa with quinoa.
If you could have your last meal with one person who would it be? Why?
I’ve read that David Lynch is a very serious foodie. We can drink coffee, eat something and wait for the end of the world watching “Twin Peaks”.
Food you love?
A cebiche or tiradito made with fresh lenguado is almost unbeatable. But lately I’m really into burgers and beer.
Food you hate?
Black olives. It’s like kryptonite for me.
Favorite food city, state or country?
I have to say Lima, Peru. But I also have amazing food memories from San Francisco, Madrid and Buenos Aires…and now Bangkok.
If you were a food what would it be?
A very spicy ají or rocoto. (Peruvian chiles)
Eggs or pancakes?
Last person you ate with?
Paloma, of course.
What time is dinnertime?
8:30 p.m. is the perfect time for me. But Paloma always makes me eat dinner at least an hour before that.
What did we eat?
One fish done two ways (cebiche and stew), a soup with rocoto relleno in the middle and a whole bunch of chilcanos at La Picantería.
Hungry for more? Check out the whole Forked With series.