The last 10 days I have been on this ship with Anthony. I learned all about life on the Eurodam and what he means by “waking up in a new country everyday”. Although the ship has it’s share of delicious food and wonderful drinks, I am going to keep this post short leaving the reviews to Anthony. Look for those in future updates. This will not be a baltic cruise holland america review. My next few posts will feature the ports of call we stopped in as we pecked our way around the Baltic Sea. I will keep the text short and let the videos speak for themselves. I think they will be successful in giving you a little taste of Scandinavia from the eyes and taste buds of Anthony and me.
In the spirit of having some food worked into every post we do, here’s a picture from my favorite meal on the ship. There is an Asian restaurant called Tamarind. Pictured below is their rib appetizer. Asian style pork ribs with a sweet glaze. The meat fell off the bone and left me wanting two more orders of the delectable slow cooked, swine.