Not a restaurant but a killer dish just the same. It was a 24-hour in and out trip to Chitown in which our last stop was a “tasting” at Entertaining Company for a GE event. In a whirlwind 6-course meal in 30 minutes (because I had a plane to catch) I forked some delicious morsels down my pie hole. One of which was…uhhh…pie. Mini. Apple. Hot. A la Mode. There is not much more you can ask for but there was more to be delivered. In fact the delivery method WAS the more. A mini cast iron pan carried all that goodness to the table in front of me making for this excellent spectacle of aerial, sugar rich, dessert, photography. Unfortunately you can’t just show up at EC’s front door and ask for the pie but if you are planning an event and need a top notch catering maestro be sure to give them a ring.
Go there:
Entertaining Company
1640 West Walnut Street
Chicago, IL 60612