Around the corner from our hotel was a breakfast place called Toast. Although breakfast is not usually a meal that I normally blog about I thought this was such an outstanding egg sandwich, even though the staff got my order wrong…. twice…. it was delicious. I ordered the Jumbo Breakfast Sandwich which is two eggs, melted cheese and your choice of bacon, sausage links or ham on toast or a homemade buttermilk biscuit. I asked for scrambled eggs and sausage on a biscuit but what I got was eggs over easy and bacon. They took it back and brought me the sandwich with sausage but the eggs were still over easy. I was starving at that point and the sandwich looked dam good the way it was so I dug in. That may have been one of the best egg sandwiches I have ever had. It was messy because of the egg yoke but the mess was well worth it.
The southerner had her favorite, a biscuit, bacon and an egg. She made her famous bacon biscuit sandwich and was in just as much food heaven as I was.
We toast to Toast!