Dropping into Blue Smoke has become like visiting an old friends house. Besides Danny’s unique brand of hospitality and the frequency I’ve visited in the last decade, the place has a smell. You know that friend you had who’s house has had a unique smell? Maybe it was what detergent his mom used to wash the clothes or perhaps it was her dad’s pipe blowing in from the porch. You know you had at least one friend like that. You loved it. You couldn’t wait for the front door to open so you could waft in the joyous, overwhelming scent. It cradled you. It comforted you. You never wanted to leave. Blue Smoke, above all, brings me back because the scent has the same effect I just described. A big part are the above beef ribs. A lot of meat is smoked in Blue Smoke but I swear, every time I walk in, my nose can pick out these beef ribs from the rest of the smoke. Impossible you say? Come with me next time. I’ll point your nose in the right direction and than when these goliath, tender, bones hit our table your nose will smack you in your tonsils for doubting me and your olfactory system. We’ll tackle what your tongue will think in the next Blue Smoke post. Trust me, there will be another.
Go there:
Blue Smoke
116 E 27th St, New York, NY 10016
(212) 447-7733