Hell it’s the holiday season so I don’t think we should be ashamed one bit to have some fun with our food. Actually, come to think of it….I have this policy in effect all year round. Getting back on track. I was honored to be part of the 5th annual gingerbread house making party at Maureen’s house this Saturday. I had heard tons about the extravaganza but I had no idea how elaborate, intense and delicious the party was going to be.
As soon as I walked through the front door I was hit with the incredible aroma of pulled pork and candied bacon. Hello. Yes, Please. A minute later I found myself in the main room of the apartment which was a bit tight. A wall of people in front of me drew me towards the back of the room. As I peeked over the shoulders of a few guests I saw “the table” and realized why we were a little cramped. A large workspace was filling most of the room. It was littered with bowls of colored icing and all sort of candy accoutrements for house decorating. There were already a few rounds of houses decorating the outer rim of the room. The table was full with the next round of builders. A film maker, a few engineers and an artist were busy at work with their house creations. I pulled up a seat next to an unclaimed piece of gingerbread real estate and got to work.
Yeah, there is a little more to recap but I am cutting it short to get to the punch. The houses! Themed houses, architecturally correct houses, concept houses, non-houses all were represented fantastically but the end of the night. So let’s jump in. Forgive me those of you who made houses that I have mislabeled or made up the names below.
The fish junk
The blue roof
The gingerbread wedge
The nicely landscaped
The blue roof
The snowman
The for sale
The Christmas present
The quilt
The strip club
The earth friendly
The alien
The bar
The monochrome (mine)
The Loren (yes. Not a house, but well worth the effort)
Whew! What a talented crowd. Thanks Maureen for letting me partake in the festivities. The competition was stiff but I believe, for a rookie, I had a nice showing. Ohh, yeah one more thing. Check out this pulled pork that was my building fuel. Freakin’ delicious.