Forked with Rojeh Torosian
A slice, a pepperoni roll and a coke is all we needed. Rojeh and I popped into the pizza joint on Norman Ave. before heading up to a birthday party. We have shared a numerous amount of meals over the 24 years we’ve know each other. This particular dinner was occupied by quality-of-slice contemplation, a recap of current love interests and a rehashing of the disintegrating fashion etiquette our local hipster population employ.
Rojeh is a true artist in every sense of the word. His physical work and psychological outlook both are dynamic, unique and entrancing. Since we were kids Rojeh has always created. Recently he has moved from realist paintings to abstracts, started doing some performance pieces and used his eBay habit to focus on old film stills (which he reprints in his home darkroom). By day you can find him on the second floor of the MOMA educating tourists, locals, fellow artists and curators on the latest and greatest art books. His knowledge of artists, technics and the books in which their work can be found is uncanny. So, next time you are in the neighborhood pop into the MOMA and give Rojeh a challenge. I always do. He will welcome you with open arms, I guarantee it. Thanks Roj for always being gracious.
What we ate
A slice
A peperoni roll
A coke