Forked with Jordan Berkowitz
Jordan knows food. Jordan knows a bunch of other stuff too. Every time I talk to him I realize how much “other stuff” is up in his brain. See, the thing with Jordan is…He doesn’t talk fluff. He is one of those people that gives you hard factual reference to the topic you are currently discussing. I like that. In fact, I wish more people had that.
I met Jordan a few years ago when we started working with him and the boys at Undercurrent. Since then we have shared a bunch of meals together in at least two states. On the most memorable list would be the NOLA style crawdad meal in Austin Texas. We covered the table with seafood and then meticulously cleaned it off by eating the tasty mess.
Jordan has worn many hats. A butcher, a big agency guy, a small think tank guy and most recently a husband. Thanks JB for always keeping the conversation stimulating and always incorporating something tasty in our chats.
What we ate
Chamame-seasoned heirloom edamame
Bonito Consumme
Sushi and Sashimi course
Wild salmon 5 ways-honshimeji, shiso rice, soy-ikura butter
Grilled bigeye tuna “Waldorf”-pea salad, asian pear, pickled onions, orange-miso sauce