Mid-Week Morsel
It’s been hectic this week to say the least. Between ramping up for this Saturday’s REEL TASTY and next weeks special Vegas dinners there has not been much time to breath let alone eat. Before I jump back into the fray I wanted to share a little home cooked goodness I prepared 2 weeks ago just before the task waves started crashing against my backyard. I came across this tasty gem as I was flipping between MS Word and Photoshop this morning. It’s not my Mother-in-law’s recipe but quite delicious. It reminded me of a quieter time where home cooked delicious food has that ability to mellow you out and focus you on the moment, the bite and the company. If you’re to-do list isn’t 2 miles long maybe it’s a good night to whip something up instead of order in. If you can, I envy you. For now.