I got back from the ship in July and came home to a summons for Jury duty in my stack of mail. Oops! I called and they told me to come in Monday. This is a very long day of pure boredom, as most of you know who have gone through this process, and when we braked for lunch I thought I should treat myself. I walked around downtown for a little and started to TXT my lawyer friends. I figured if anyone knows where to eat near the court house it would be them. However, I was running out of time for their TXT back and stumbled upon Spaghetti Western. It is a bar but figured I’d give it a try. I ordered a chicken parm hero (it was not on the menu but they made it for me). It was pretty good. I’d order it there again. It came with a mixed green salad with tasty vinaigrette and a piece of cantaloupe. The staff was friendly as I sat at the bar but when I was done it was back to the boredom of jury duty. It may be our civil right but they could make it a little more exciting while we just sit there for hours. No Laptops, cell phones or cameras are allowed. What’s a boy to do with his time???