The southerner and I spent the day walking around town and soaking in the rich history that Charleston has to offer. Of course we got hungry. We ended up at a restaurant called Coast where they had half price bottles of wine that particular night, lucky us. We had a couple of fish dishes for dinner but that is not what this post is about. It was where we went after for dessert that is postable. We walked down to Market Street and went to Kaminsky’s Café. We wanted another glass of wine and a bite of dessert. The great thing about Kaminsky is they make their desserts fresh everyday which means that don’t always have the same desserts. They don’t put the desserts on the menu but in a glass case as soon as you walk in. Great placement for their glass case, and I am sure many people have to stop and come in as they walk by and see the gorgeous desserts in the window. We settled on a double chocolate cheesecake. As you may or may not know I’m not big on sweets for a few reasons however I did take a couple of bites of this cheesecake. My first bite gave me a huge chill up my back. I have never had that happen to me before. Thinking maybe I just got cold I took another small bit and the same thing, a huge chill up my back. Very strange and I put down my fork. That cheesecake was so rich and delicious, two bits was enough for me.
If your ever in Charleston and you have a sweet tooth do yourself a favor and go to Kaminsky’s and check out their glass case….Delicious!