After the ship I hung in Copenhagen for a few days to meet up with my CPH yBike riders, Henrik and Mikael. Henrik runs a bike rental shop in town and the three of spent an afternoon doing a few interviews for my Yahoo! Purple Pedals Project (when they are done I will link to them from here). We had Henrik’s interview in the can and we were about to venture out to a park to film Mikael’s when Stig, Henrik’s neighbor, stopped by. Stig makes olives around the corner. And, he makes them with a passion. We got to chatting about all things olive, Italy and oil. Next thing I knew we had traveled around the corner, Stig had opened his shop, brought us into the back and started feeding me olives.
We started with fresh-made sundried tomatoes. Then Stig worked me into a few Spanish olives before introducing me to some Greek and Italian ones. All of it cured himself right in the shop. He then smeared some tapenade into my palm and dragged me back to the front of the shop. There, Henrik and Mikael were waiting for us. With 4 wine glasses in hand, Stig proceeded to pop open a bottle of lambrusco, a delicious fruity, bubbly wine usually made in Italy.
We needed to move on to shoot Mikael’s interview but Stig wouldn’t let us leave until we finished the bottle and I promised to try and get back to Copenhagen for the big food fest in July. We will see if we can make that promise come true.
Later in the evening Stig made an appearance at the bar we were hanging in. No Olives this time but he did jump behind the bar and start pouring us all shots.