
All reeltastybrooklyn Stories

Food Stories

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North by Northwest Dinner

Last week we packed out the deck with another set of 16 friends (and friends of friends) to have dinner with Cary Grant. As he was chased across America our guests sat comfortably satiated sampling dishes from the places he visited and the era he lived in. For those who are unfamiliar with the...

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Indiana Jones Dinner

A week ago 16 guests joined us on the deck for a gasto-adventure of summer blockbuster magnitude. In addition to our guests we were visited by one very important person. Dr. Henry Jones took the deck by storm just as the sun settled behind the building he was projected on. For those who are a little...

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JAWS Dinner

A few days ago a giant, man-eating shark visited the deck along with 17 dinner guests. Our fourth dinner this summer was another beautiful evening. Some old faces mixed with a few new ones made for a great evening. We started off with some snacks. We brought back a favorite of ours with the London...

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Airplane Dinner

WOW. The third REEL TASTY dinner was last Saturday and we had a great turn out. A few familiar faces graced the table for a second time but the rest were all fresh, hungry peeps. It was touch and go moments before guests started to arrive as an evil cloud loomed over the deck poking its cumulonimbus...