This week we tuned into Marc Maron interviewing Michael Rappaport. The conversation started with city pizza preferences. The topic popped because they both now live in LA but Maron spent years in NYC and Rappaport was born and bread on straight 80’s hip-hop culture. Pizza is a cultural thing as much as it’s a quick food hit. Even though they netted out thinking the war is bunk, since artisanal food culture has made everything really good in most major cities, we still like the idea of drawing a line in the marinara. This Pizza Battle T-Shirt will do just the trick the next time we have to fly to Chicago. Although, you wouldn’t catch me wearing this in Naples. Those guys will take a life for an offense of this magnitude.
More Design Stuff
Pizza Pin
So, we have a thing for pizza. Not only do we love to eat that crispy crust, bubbling cheese and aromatic triple meat topping BUT, we’ll wear it on our lapel. Jen Adrion and Omar Noory make lots of perfect little, delicious items. None more satisfyingly cute than this pizza pin. Their website does tons of explaining on who they are, their Ohio studio details, what they have done (and it’s a lot) and where you can get their stuff. Aside from their creative excellence the seemingly obsessive use of ™ and ® is fantastic. As in their tagline, WE MAKE THINGS™. The line YOU LOVE THINGS™. Or, as in this mantra, These Are Things®. Whether truly trademarked or registered, the inside joke or official-ness is welcomed. Plus, they have cats that are dope based on their Insta.
Abe Froman Logo T-Shirt
Threadless ran a Ferris Bueller design contest a few weeks back and this Abe Froman Logo T-Shirt was our hands down favorite. We lagged a bit in posting this and the purchasable site is now no where to be found. Everything seemed to be on a super limited time offer. None-the-less we though you needed to know about this gem. We did find the designers website and the buy link below will take you to his Threadless entry page. Maybe we can coax them to do a reprint.
Po-Boy Poster
Dirty Coast is one of our favorite New Orleans shops. Dedicated to all things NOLA, the Po-Boy Poster ranks as one of our favorites. We love deconstructions. We flip out over exploded views. We think sandwiches are a food group. I don’t think this needs more explanation but this 12.5 X 14.5, french paper, Po-Boy Poster gives the newbee a crash course in components and construction. If you decide to give this as a gift please be sure to explain what “dressed” means and insist that if ordered “dressed” is mandatory.
Family Style Print by Yardsale Press
Bryan Sculthorpe had us locked at last years Renegade with his 10×20 inch “stacked” series. Family Time spoke to us loud and clear. Bryan has some new illustrations this year. Pizza being our favorite. He even branched out into pins this year. Hard to say “no” to all his work but we need more wall space first.