I’m of the philosophy that if you’re not lucky enough to be currently eating cheese, you may as well as be thinking about the next cheese you’re going to eat — a little advance preparation never hurt anyone, right? And if you’re spending your time thinking about the next cheese you’re going to eat, then it better be something more exciting than your weekly ration of chèvre from the grocery store. (Although I do love you, weekly ration of goat cheese from the grocery store.) What better way to think about the next cheese you’re going to eat than with a handy and oh-so-pretty visual guide? Enter the Charted Cheese Wheel, this cheese-shaped cheese chart of the 65 best pressed curds of milk from around the world is for both the established and aspirational experts among us. Not seeing some of your faves? (I’m looking at you, époisses). The chart’s tiny drawings, color coding, and category breakdown will help you expand your aged milk horizons. I, for one, am going to shake up my weekly dairy run with some new varieties of goat cheese. I wonder if my grocery store carries pantysgawn? (Trust me, just click the link).