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Food Stories

Travel | South America

Curious in Cusco

They scare you to death about the altitude shift in Cusco BUT they neglect to tell you about the death defying commercial airline flight path decent. After an eventful corkscrew up over the Andes high peaks and then down into the puma shaped valley that is Cusco, Ant and I sipped our obligatory...

Travel | Market

Italy Market Fix

I love markets. It’s the one thing that connects me faster and better with a culture than any other thing I do in a foreign city. Whether it’s an American supermarket an Asian hawker market or a European food market the effect is the same. Today I’ll let the images do the majority...

Eat | Market

Food Store Tour #1

A few weekends ago I decided to take a gourmet food store tour as I meandered through my weekend errands. That’s a lie. I completely put off the errands so that I could jump from store to store on an eating extravaganza. I loved it and this won’t be the last. In fact, think of this as a...

Market Madness

This video captures the extensive stands and stalls that make up the ubber colorful Mysore Market. I spent 2 days in Mysore sucking up the history, landmarks, architecture and food. The market was the best I found in all of India. By day two I had my chai guy, chalk guy and kitchen utensil vendors...

Travel | Journey

Market – Helsinki Finland

Helsinki Finland is a nice little city. I will be back there a few more times before my contract is over and I will definitely be back to hit up the market. I love markets like this. Everything is fresh. There were 2 small boats docked next to the market with fish caught that morning. Talk about...