Local Grand Cayman
Craft Market Cafe – Grand Cayman from Anthony Anello on Vimeo.
Diabetic Blood Sugar Count
Pre-meal: 78 | Post-meal (1 hour): 128 | Insulin: 4 Units
Grand Cayman is a beautiful place. The water has that perfect Caribbean blue/green color to it. However, before I went to sink my feet into the sand and go for a swim I need to fill my stomach with some local food.
I do need to apologies; I know it has been a while since my last post. It’s been busy on the ship. When I finally got off the ship I found a bunch of restaurants like Margaretville, which are fun but not what I was looking for. I wanted something more local and after walking around the town for a little while I think I stumbled upon just the place. The Craft Market Café is pure local. There is no inside only an outside and there were many locals eating on the benches. Even the local food was running around the floor. You’ll see what I mean when you watch the video. When I sat down I finally got to enjoy my early lunch with some of the guests from the ship before I headed to the beach.