
All argentina Stories

Food Stories

Eat | Dinner

Bangalore • Buenos Aires

When you’re in Argentina the last thing you think you’ll eat is a curried leg of lamb. On the fringe of Palermo-Hollywood is an out of place bar named Bangalore. Downstairs you get beers and burgers but upstairs in a semi-secret loft perched above the bar the menu is completely...

Eat | Dinner

Desnivel • Buenos Aires

Maybe the thickest flank steak I’ve ever had. Nice shot of my over stuffed belly too. Plan your first dinner in BA to be at Desnivel. In the heart of San Telmo, it’s a nice introduction to a parilla without breaking the bank or getting to posh. All the cuts of meat are here but we think...

Eat | Dinner

Rio Alba • Buenos Aires

This week kicks us dropping a whole lot of Argentine meat on you for the next few Fridays. As we continue to post some of our favorite meals that never saw their proper blog post glory (The Reheated Project), our BA trip has a myriad of gems that will make your stomach ache for large slabs of...