You did it. You pulled closed the curtain, flipped a few old timey feeling switches, stuck an “I voted” sticker on your sweater and now, this most monumental of decisions, is out of your hands. After all the sensationalism, scandals, SNL skits and Twitter fights, you need a place to hunker down and watch as this countries leader is chosen. Of course, you need some snacks and drinks to accompany this evening so you don’t bite your nails off waiting for the electoral votes from the west coast to be tallied. The Brooklyn Bazaar is providing just this with an Election Night Viewing Party. Depending on the out come, and your preference in candidates, you can continue post-decision celebrating and/or crying with booze that will flow into the wee hours. Make sure you stock up your belly with enough of their awesome food options to pad the alcohol typhoon that’s bound to follow. Tuesday, November 8th 7PM – 12PM in Brooklyn.